
The Batman

Bravo for the final Batman Begins trailer. We finally get to see a decent glimpse of the Scarecrow (the horse with the flaming nostrils is pretty slick, I am thinking of getting some surgically implanted in my own nose). That said, I need to complain about something. Production companies these days have forgotten that part of promoting a good movie is actually making decent posters. The poster seen above is the original teaser and remains the best poster yet released in America (the International poster is the best of all). The other three posters are all pretty shitty and can be seen here. That link will allow you to view all 5 posters, the original teaser, the international and the three subsequent teasers. The whole black and brown look doesn't really work for any accept the above poster (at least that looks like he may be readying himself for his nights patrol in front of a dusk sky) and the cheesy bust shot looks like hot crap on the one poster. Apparently they are yet to release their last poster, but after seeing what they have come out with, I'm not very optimistic.

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