
News Everyone

Just so everybody knows, Radiohead is going to be in Chicago on June 19-20 and Bloc Party is going to be at the Intonation Festival in Chicago on June 25. As of right now I am planning on two trips to Chicago in less than a week. People need to contact me soon so I know who's in.



Just so everyone knows, new Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia's start on June 29.

I think they count for half of my friends on Myspace.



The new FX show Thief is pretty good. Sorry that this is a little late and the first season just ended, but I'm sure with the amount they aired reruns during the week, they'll be showing the whole season again soon.

The show has Andre Braugher (Homicide: Life on the Street) in the lead and resurected Malik Yoba (New York Undercover, Cool Runnings). The show is no Homicide, but still good.