
Inside Man

I saw Inside Man tonight and liked it. I can now honestly say I liked a Spike Lee "joint". (if anyone out there tells me that Do the Right Thing is a great movie I will stab you in the eye with the rusty unidentified gardening tool that I use for cleaning my grill). The big twist at the end of the movie wasn't really that huge, in fact, it's something that anyone should see coming for quite some time. I wouldn't even call it a "big twist", so I rescind that statement. As far as the rest of the movie goes, it entertains quite steadily as at progresses and doesn't fall off into its own badassedness. What I am trying to say is this, for those of you who can see it for free, do, and it probably won't be a terrible waste for those of you who have to pay.


The Sports Guy

For anyone who cares, I added a link on my blog to Bill Simmon's site on ESPN.com. He's hilarious and generally a pretty good read. I suggest his columns to anyone who likes sports (even those of you who don't like sports will probably get a kick out of his mailbag columns).


She Wants Revenge

There's a band out there that I just started listening to that maybe some of you aren't aware of. She Wants Revenge is pretty good. A friend at work (Jim) gave me the cd and I have enjoyed it so far. I will be going to their show next month (Faber should come too), so I can say some more about them after that.