
Brewers Predictions

I am finding it more and more difficult to deal with all the praise the Brewers have started getting in the media these days. Everywhere I turn, someone is picking them to win the National League Central or at least make the playoffs as a possible wild card. I don't know how to deal with this. This has never really happened in my lifetime and at least not in the time I can remember (I don't remember the season of 2000, too many concussions. But, the concussions were probably a direct result of my concrete dorm room wall and the Brewers performance). As far as I've always known, the Brewers are always expected to finish near last if not dead last in everything. They've always been like the Indians team from Major League, without of course, the ability to rally together against their owner and win ball games.

Now they have a strong rotation, good arms in the pen, and possibly a very solid line-up from top to bottom. It seems like their the it pick this season to do great things. Maybe the Tigers have something to do with this. Like the Brewers this year, they started last year with good pitching and a fairly young, but possibly strong offense. The only difference is that no one picked them to do anything. Now all of the media experts don't want to make that mistake twice, so they are going with the team most likely to be this years Tigers. I can't abide this. For one thing, I hate when people start to make stretches like this and go for "Fad" teams. Whether I like it or not, right now its popular to cast your vote for the Crew. The fact is, the Brewers still have to prove themselves in what should be a tough division. The Cardinals are the reigning champions with most of their firepower back for another run. The Astros have a very good line-up and if Roger Clemens decides to comes back sometime after the season starts, they will have one of the best rotations in baseball. The Cubs just finished spending 300 million bucks in the off-season (not that it will help them, cause they're the Cubs) and the Pirates and Reds look like they will be better as well. I know not every team can be better than they were the year before in one division. Someone will be bad (hopefully the Cubs again), but at least the Astros and the Cardinals shouldn't disappoint. I love what this team can do, but they still need to prove that they can do it. Sheets, Weeks and Hardy need to prove they can stay healthy. Braun and Hart need to show that they can get it done at the highest level and everyone else needs to play better than they did last year. I think they can do it, I just think people on ESPN.com should pick someone else and not jinx us.

With all that said, here are my picks for the NL Central.

1. Brewers
2. Cardinals
3. Astros
4. Pirates
5. Reds
6. Cubs

Hey, I'm a Brewers fan. I can say they're going to win it without jinxing them, its just the experts that I worry about. The truth is that I really believe we can win the NL Central and go to the playoffs this year. I love this team, and I no longer have some of the doubts I once had about our third base situation. I think Counselnino will do just fine until Ryan Braun can get his feet beneath him (or better yet, his arm) on defense. Whenever he's called up, opposing pitchers beware. He will add a lot to a potentially potent offense. I also firmly believe the Cubs will suck once again.


Also in Brewers news, here's a pretty good article by Jim Caple about our suffering as Brewers fans.


If you're in the market for a new couch, call the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity in Michigan. One of their couches recently became expendable.


I guess this is what happens when your parents are in the adult entertainment industry.


Here's the new Michael Showalter Showalter with guest star David Cross.


Frank already posted this, but this dude gives the sport of men's pillow fighting a black eye. They all look like a bunch of nancies now.


Evidently the people who made the shirts also have a West Virginia public school education. Go West Virgina! Should there team name be the Labs? (I'm booing myself)


Planet Earth

For those of you who have already caught the first three installments of BBC/Discovery Channel's Planet Earth you already know what I'm talking about, but for those of you who haven't seen them yet, have I got some news for you. Planet Earth is an eleven part series of different natural themes on the globe. It really is the world as you've never seen it before. In the second episode not only do they have intimate shots of a snow leopard in the Himalayas (which I've only ever seen one other program on), but they filmed an entire hunt and chase straight down the mountain face. Its better then almost any action scene in the movies.
Before each episode they have a little thing about how long they worked on this program and how many different locations they used and the end product is astounding. Not only is it great, but they are broadcasting it in HD and it is the best HD presentation I have ever seen. Many of the images look like you might be standing 20 feet away from a certain animal, but the picture is even better than you could make out with the naked eye. Its spectacular. I might have to get an HD DVD player just for this when they release the program in HD.


If you’re a fan of the Star Wars saga, here’s your chance to vote on anything from “Best Lightsaber Color” to “Who Should We Feed to Sarlaac?” My votes for those categories were, Blue and Al Franken.


Here's a hilarious exchange that I overheard today at the local Jimmy John's. I was just getting my sammich and the next guy in line started to tell his order to the first of the nineteen sammich line guys. The guy ordering is a lower twenties well off hippy style dude and the guy taking the order is a lower twenties "I wanna be a punk rock star even though I'm a tool" type.

Hippy - Ahh, can I get a #6 with wheat lettuce? (I don't actually know what that is, I might be wrong on what its called, but I think that's what he said. I digress.)

PunkRock - Sorry man, we don't have wheat lettuce anymore.

Hippy - Oh no, are you serious?

PunkRock - yeah.

Hippy - Oh, you're not serious.

PunkRock - yeah.

Hippy - That's terrible man. What do you put on a #6 then?

PunkRock - (totally deadpan with a slight shoulder shrug) Regular lettuce.

Maybe its funnier if you're there, or if you ever worked in this style of food service, but I actually laughed right at the hippy guy. It was great. Score one for the punk dude.



There's hope for those of you who think the Lord of the Rings books aren't long enough. I'm pretty sure I'll read this too. Personally I really like all the stories and the first book that Chris Tolkien finished (he actually just put it together for his dead father) the Silmarillion is really good.


My movie night with Dave Faber.


Undercover Retard.


Apparently DVDs don't work as tips in Colorado. Where's Lloyd when you really need him.



Many thanks to Dave, because I love this picture. I laughed for a solid ten minutes when I saw it. I want to make "Bill Stickers is Innocent" t-shirts, then cut the sleeves off so I can show off my tribal tattoos.


Apparently Kiefer Sutherland is sad that they stopped making X-Files. I guess its a good thing for him that he's decided to make X-Files: The New Class.


What's with famous people's families fascination with looking at rotten corpses? I'd say it sounds like a Seinfeld joke, but there's no real punch line. Isn't there anyone better to dig up like Rasputin of Gregory Hines?



Its a pity that Ryan Braun was sent down to the minors, but that does allow us to start betting on when he'll reach the big league club this season. I'd say its 2 to 1 odds he's in Milwaukee by the beginning of June. Betting on the All Star breaks seems like a wash. I understand the need to have a person at third base who doesn't throw the ball away on a regular basis, but how is this any different than the Rickie Weeks situation. He threw the ball to Bob Uecker on a few plays and stayed around. The only difference is that we know Ryan Braun can hit, right now. Whatever, hopefully Counselnino can do the job at third. If they do a really good job and the left fielders aren't, could Braun possibly move to left? At least that way, his throwing errors would be greatly limited and he can hit all he wants.


At least Uecker has one nutso fan (2/3 down the page). I wonder if she only follows him because she's a huge Mr. Belvedere fan and couldn't care less about the Brewers. If only she could find Mr. Belvedere, then she could leave Ueck alone.



Happy Ides of March.

Use this opportunity and flex your constitutional right to vote for the best characters on TV. Right now Homer Simpson is losing to someone from Battlestar Galactica. How is this right? This isn't my USA.



I love the Macho Man and I hope he kicks Kobe's ass. This should be the next pay-per-view. The best part of this whole thing is that they both have the weakest finishing move ever.



Can you name all 50 states in 10 minutes? Of course I did it and if you think that's because I'm awesome, you'd be right.



Upon further review, a suicidal rampage by Buddy Holly was not the cause of the Big Bopper's death. Instead, they confirmed that plane crashes cause mass trauma and big holes in the ground.



Digital Thom Yorke


I think this is really impressive and its of Thom Yorke. That makes it even more cool.



This is shocking! How could something like this be true about a player in such an upscale organization as the NBA. Call Johnny Cochran, cause this glove doesn't fit.


One more reason for Howard Stern to suck it. Actually I guess he's kind of telling everyone else to suck it now, but he's still a jerk in desperate need of a haircut. Take that Howard Stern.


I agree with Frodo, 30 Seconds to Mars blows.

“I love music so much. But I would never try to be like other actors and attempt to make some myself. I mean, have you heard 30 Seconds to Mars? Fucking awful, man!” - Frodo Baggins


This guy really put those Ronco knives his wife gave him for Christmas to use. Too bad for her.



It looks like the Mexican sausage has the crazy eyes for Billy. The Brat is going to be the champ again this year, I can feel it.

That's really scary. I'm glad I didn't have to take this photo. He must have had to take one for the team.

ESPN.com has a nice little look into Ben Sheets and the rest of Brewers camp.



I think Frank may have posted something about this a while ago, but I can't remember. Either way, Michael Showalter, an awesome regular from The State and one time free market ice cream truck helper, has his own show on collegehumor.com called The Michael Showalter Showalter. I thinks he's a funny guy and his guests so far, Michael Ian Black (also from The State and one time free market ice cream truck driver) and Zach Galifianakis, are also funny guys. Hopefully they'll start to sell robotic mice. Look at them go.

P.S. Frank, do you know the whereabouts of any State videos that I can link up?


I'm pretty excited for the Jesse James movie that comes out this fall. Some guy wrote a review after he saw an advanced screening and if its like what he says, I'm on board.


This is how I plan to catch Sienna Miller. I'm pretty sure it won't go as well for me as it did for this chick. Here's a video of it too.