
Star Wars

Star Wars Episode III sucks.... just a FYI.

I will explain my problems with it......

1. I really just can't stand Hayden Christensen. There is nothing about that guy that I like. He is just horrible. George Lucas should have just bit the bullet and recast Anakin.

2. George Lucas isn't a writer. No matter hiw hard he tries, he just isn't a writer (I don't think he's a very good director anymore either, but I will stick with writer for now). The dialogue is ridiculous, just like the first two. It actually makes you utter to yourself, "Who writes this?" Then you realize that Lucas thinks its really good writing and it just gets sad from there. Part of what made Empire and Jedi good is that he allowed a co-writer on the screenplay and someone other than Lucas directed it. This allows for other people to tweak things so that they don't look or sound retarded. I know, I know Jonathan Hales co-wrote the screenplay for Episode 2, but who gives a fuck about a guy who also wrote The Scorpion King.

3. This has to do with Lucas' directing, but who does he get to light his movies. The real people look like shit. They all have this saintly glow around them at all times. It is because they are all in front of a green screen all of the time and everything around them on screen is just CGI. There are scenes in the movie where the CGI characters look better than the real people because of the lighting.

I do think it is the best movie of Episodes 1-3 however.

1 comment:

frank said...

interesting...i thought it looked to be the best of the new bunch. not sure when i see it, on account of the nerd effect this weekend making it hard to catch it probably.

whats your beef with it?