


The Coen Brothers new movie No Country for Old Men. It isn't the best quality, but its the best I can find right now.

Will Smith's new movie I Am Legend. The movie looks like it might be decent, but I'm really posting this because Smith's character has a good name. Plus, its actually a well made teaser.


Bryan Goggins said...

Will Smith and science fiction don't go well together! Independence Day is embarrassingly bad and the less said about I Robot the better. Not to mention the two previous adaptations of I am Legend (Last Man on Earth with Vincent Price and The Omega Man with Charlton Heston)were pretty bad. The only way this film could work is if Will Smith does an "I am Legend" rap and Carlton makes an appearance as his comically inept sidekick.

Anonymous said...

first of all i'd like to point out the fact that goggins doesn't know shit id4 was a horrible yet entertaining movie. But also the thing about carlton is funny.

P.S. GO BREWERS!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I wish Arnie would get out of office and make this movie he was once attached to. You forgot to mention Wild Wild West....that had a giant robot spider in it...kind of sci-fi

Bryan Goggins said...

Sorry, but there was nothing at all entertaining about ID4. It was just a painful movie experience; almost as bad as Armageddon.
The final line in ID4 has to be one of the worst ever, "Did't I promise you there would be fireworks?" UGH!
And all the half assed subplots are more head ache enducing then they are amusing.
I hate Roland Emmerich and Dean Devlin, they should be tried and hanged for all the atrocities they have brought on the human race.
And you are probably one in a few people who actually remember Wild, Wild West.