

For those of you who have never understood why it sometimes takes HBO so long to air new seasons of their original shows that seem to take almost nothing to produce, there's hope. Entourage will take a break after ending their third season for all of ........... 14 days. That's right, the second half of season 3 ends on June 3 and the fourth season starts on June 17. While I'm sure this is mostly due to the fact that they separated the two halves of the season so it could air with the Soprano's, it also shows just how easily they can crank these shows out if they want to. I'll bet it only takes about an hour and a half to film and episode of Entourage.


Its pretty interesting to see how two African American writers for ESPN.com, Jemele Hill and Todd Boyd, have differing views on Barry Bonds' chase of the home run record. Personally I like the whole idea of innocent until proven guilty and if Bonds is found innocent, I'll be perfectly happy with him breaking the record. The only problem is there is such a huge cloud hanging over Bonds, McGwire, Palmeiro and all of baseball right now that its impossible to ignore. This needs to be sorted out soon. There's been enough foot-dragging involved on the part of Major League Baseball and any prosecutor or congressman who has tried to find the truth. MLB is definitely to blame for some of the steroid problem (the whole not making them illegal thing is a fairly large oversight), but the fact remains that they are declared illegal substances by the U.S. Government. How is it that they aren't going at the subject with their guns blazing anymore. Hopefully this Kirk Radomski gives them enough information to start the process back up again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree i thought the whole guilty till proven innocent thing was what our justice system is based on. but of course to the media that is a proposterous idea.