
An Appeal to the People at Adult Swim

Everyone who reads this blog with any regularity already knows that I am a big fan of a few shows on Cartoon Network's late night program, Adult Swim. Even if I don't love the show and watch it regularly, I can accept that it is on and still get into an episode. With that said, the people behind Adult Swim's programming schedule have decided to push one of their newer shows, Saul of the Mole Men, down our throats. Saul is a live action parody of many shows in the 80's with low production values and even lower talent levels. Unfortunately for Saul and the people at Adult Swim, the show completely lacks any kind of comedic value. I have watched a few episodes so far (only because it is on during the second half of the Aqua Teen half-hour) and I haven't laughed once. I know I like to exaggerate from time to time, but this isn't one of those times. It really, really isn't a funny show. So please, Adult Swim people, put something else on. Give me another 15 minutes of Aqua Teen, or Frisky Dingo, or even a colonoscopy. Just take Saul off the air, or relegate it to Sunday mornings opposite Christian TV shows.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I know I like to exaggerate from time to time...." - understatement of the year! :)