

This is shocking! How could something like this be true about a player in such an upscale organization as the NBA. Call Johnny Cochran, cause this glove doesn't fit.


One more reason for Howard Stern to suck it. Actually I guess he's kind of telling everyone else to suck it now, but he's still a jerk in desperate need of a haircut. Take that Howard Stern.


I agree with Frodo, 30 Seconds to Mars blows.

“I love music so much. But I would never try to be like other actors and attempt to make some myself. I mean, have you heard 30 Seconds to Mars? Fucking awful, man!” - Frodo Baggins


This guy really put those Ronco knives his wife gave him for Christmas to use. Too bad for her.


Bryan Goggins said...

Jared Leto is a misunderstood genius....he was positively brilliant in....in....in....uhhhhhhhhhhh.....Fight

Did you know that Pulp Fiction is the only nonlinear movie ever made?

Kevin said...

If there's one thing film class has taught me its that Memento is also a non-linear film. Those are the only two.

Anonymous said...

didn't elijah woody say that a long time ago?